Civil 诉讼 Attorney in Kalamazoo, MI

Regardless of which side of the courtroom you will be on, 重要的是,你有一个经验丰富的诉讼律师来帮助指导你完成整个过程,并在法庭上代表你.

诉讼 Attorneys in Kalamazoo

什么是诉讼? 简单地说, litigation is the process of taking legal action against an individual, 业务, or other organization.

  • 原告是在法庭上对另一个人(个人或公司)提起诉讼的个人.
  • 被告是在法庭上被起诉的个人(或公司或组织).

The 诉讼 Process

尽管许多人认为“诉讼”这个词只是描述诉讼的另一种方式, it’s actually a far broader term. “诉讼”是一个涉及之前发生的所有行动和活动的过程, 在, and after a lawsuit, carried out with the goal of enforcing a legal right.

Typically, the litigation process can involve:

  • 调查
  • Pre-lawsuit negotiations
  • 仲裁
  • Facilitations or mediation
  • 试验
  • 上诉

事实上,早在个人踏上法庭之前,诉讼就已经开始了, 它始于一个人决定采取法律行动捍卫自己权利的那一刻. 一般, the first step of litigation is the hiring of an attorney, 谁将作为法律代表和专家指导每一步. Because every lawsuit is unique, 选择一位有经验和承诺将你的案件作为一个个体来处理的律师是决定法律结果的一个因素.

龙8国际app, PLC: One of the Leading Law Firms in Michigan

Since our firm was founded, 客户端自豪地赢得了密歇根州最好的律师事务所之一的声誉. 罗斯·W. Keilen, 致力于帮助个人和企业的专业律师, we bring both expertise and experience to the table. 客户端的每一位律师对每一位客户的奉献精神是客户端的品质之一,也使客户端成为密歇根州最值得信赖的律师事务所之一.

In addition to 业务 litigation, 龙8国际app also practices in the areas of 业务/corporate law, 不动产法, 人身伤害, 就业法, 和更多的. 客户端才华横溢的团队拥有不同的技能和专业领域, making us one of the most versatile law firms in Kalamazoo. 除了卡拉马祖律师事务所外,客户端还在大急流城设有办事处.

Find Your 信任ed Business 诉讼 Attorney in Kalamazoo, MI

Whether you’re facing a civil lawsuit as a plaintiff or defendant, having the right attorney on your side will make all the difference. 在诉讼过程中导航可能是一种压倒性和令人生畏的经历, 这就是为什么选择一个把你的最大利益放在心上的法定代表人如此重要吗.

在凯琳律所, 客户端的律师和顾问致力于成为客户值得信赖的律师, 利用客户端广泛的专业知识和技能,在客户端处理的每一个案例中追求最好的结果. 当你选择 龙8国际app for your civil lawsuit, 您可以放心,您正在与卡拉马祖最好的律师事务所之一合作,客户端将把您放在第一位.

For more information about the litigation process, including specific details related to your situation, 请 联系 the 龙8国际app team to schedule your initial consultation.

Commercial 诉讼

Business-related lawsuits are often contract based, resulting in a claim for breach of contract; however, 业务 torts have also become more common, 在某些情况下, certainly more appropriate. 其他与商业相关的诉讼中常见的索赔包括对合同的干扰, breach of fiduciary duty, fraud-material misrepresentations, misappropriation of trade secrets, breach of a noncompete agreement, and other important claims for relief. Commercial litigators often represent privately held 业务es; however, other cases involve: 业务 v. individual; individual v. 业务; and individual v. individual in a 业务 capacity. 龙8国际app represents corporations, small-业务es, and individuals.

ADR – explore your options prior to filing suit

Prior to initiating a lawsuit, 你的商业律师应该建议你探索其他的争议解决方案, potentially saving time and money. Negotiation, Mediation, and Arbitration can be helpful alternatives. 然而, 在其他情况下, your lawyer ought to seek relief through the Court; justice often comes through a well plead complaint and a talented trial lawyer.


What Is Civil 诉讼?

民事诉讼是针对另一个人或企业的法律诉讼. 一般来说, 它涉及到因另一方的行为而寻求金钱赔偿, such as compensation for injuries from a car accident. 有时, 民事诉讼的目的是获得法院的命令,使对方做某事. 例如, 你可以将竞争对手告上法庭,迫使他们停止使用你公司的商标或向你支付版税.

What Are Civil 诉讼 Attorneys?

Not all attorneys focus on the same aspects of the law. A civil litigation attorney, also known as a trial lawyer, has extensive experience with civil court cases. Litigators can argue your case in court, conduct investigations, 采访目击者, 达成和解, 使上诉, and represent you in other ways. These attorneys work with both defendants and plaintiffs.

What Are Common Types of Civil 诉讼?

民事诉讼涉及个人或企业之间的分歧或责任索赔. Contract disputes involve civil litigation, such as when an employee breaks a confidentiality agreement. 其他常见的民事诉讼类型包括监护权协议、离婚诉讼、 medical malpractice claims, 人身伤害 claims, product liability claims, workers’ compensation claims, and lawsuits related to car accidents.

When Do I Need a Civil 诉讼 Lawyer?

当你打算提起诉讼或被起诉时,你需要一位民事诉讼律师. 作为被告,有一个经验丰富的律师可以帮助保护你的利益. 当你是原告——将案件告上法庭的人——诉讼律师会建议你最好的选择,并在法庭上代表你. 当你不想上法庭的时候,一个有经验的律师甚至是很有价值的, 比如当你试图与保险公司达成公平的和解时.

Why Should I Hire a Civil 诉讼 Attorney?

Michigan laws for civil cases are complicated. 犯一个错误可能会使你无法得到应得的赔偿,或者将来无法起诉. 上法庭很困难,除非你身边有一位经验丰富的律师. 在达成任何和解之前,与民事诉讼律师讨论这件事是明智的.

Get Expert Assistance From a Civil 诉讼 Lawyer

有时, 提起诉讼是获得你应得的赔偿和你家人需要的唯一途径. 其他时候,你被起诉,必须为你的财务或生意辩护. 在专业诉讼律师的帮助下,你可以立即采取正确的步骤.

At 龙8国际app PLC,客户端指导您完成民事诉讼程序,并为您的案件提供个性化服务. 龙8国际app right away in Michigan to learn more.

Adam was very easy to work with. 我总觉得,在整个过程的每一步,他都把我的最大利益放在心上.

— Tyler Smith, Newhall Klein, Inc.